HemataStat Microhematocrit Centrifuge
Product Description: HemataStat II by EKF Diagnostics is a microhematocrit centrifuge that delivers quantitative hematocrit readings for up to six blood samples in just 60 seconds. Ideal for both point-of-care and laboratory use in clinics and hospitals, this compact device is also suitable for outreach programs and veterinary settings thanks to its optional battery pack. HemataStat II is widely used in the USA's plasma collection centers for its ability to provide a simple hematocrit measurement and analysis of the plasma fraction for proteins. Its user-friendly, multi-lingual display ensures accurate results with ease.
Knectiv’s Role: This legacy product from EKF was no longer possible to produce due to obsolete components and an old design that was difficult to manufacture. EKF turned to Knectiv to completely re-design the electronics. We did a complete cost-down, chose readily available components, re-designed the PCB, and updated the firmware.